Positioned For Blessing 24

We are excited to announce the launch of the new and revised Positioned for Blessing course. The original course was released almost 24 years ago and has touched and transformed the lives of over one hundred thousand people in various countries.

We have also had requests from people who want to do this course but live where there is no church who presents the course. We wanted to release more churches but training the facilitators was a huge bottleneck and restriction.

So we sought God’s heart for wisdom on how to adapt the presentation. We believe The Spirit of God has shown us how to do this.

New Format

It seems amazing but we have managed to produce new videos with only:

4 sessions of about 35 min each that carry the heart and ministry of the course.

The new course will be released on our “streaming platform”


# Available to anyone anywhere with an internet connection.

Can be done:

  1. By anyone in their own home, in their own time.
  2. By a connect / cell group once night per week.
  3. As a focus group completed on a Saturday morning.

Huge plus:

When a group is registered, they will watch the videos together and then each participant will have a link to watch the videos again in their own time for 6 months.


Topics covered include:

  • Kingdom positioning: What is ruling over your life.
  • Strongholds and their effects.
  • Dealing with an orphan spirit and thinking.
  • Positioned in sonship
  • Positioned in honour, overcoming shame.
  • Critical times of blessing in our development years.
  • Positioned in Mercy, overcoming judgement.
  • Receiving The Father’s blessing for your life.
  • Keys to moving forward to live in the abundant overflow of God’s blessing and your inheritance in Christ.
Learn more about this product

Ways To Obtain This Product

Digital Download

Download the Starter Kit with videos & Manual

Print Licensing

A print license must be purchased for the number of manuals you are printing. Please honour this copyright.

Facilitator Manual

Print License

Participant Manual

Print License